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Vitamin A sources, health benefits and uses

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 by

The name vitamin A is defined as a group of similarly structured fat-soluble compounds that include retinal, retinoic acid, and retinol, and can also have carotenoids such as beta-carotene, which contribute to the color of some vegetables, such as carrots and peppers.

Carotenes are not considered true vitamin A, they are merely pro-vitamin A compounds that can be converted into a form that our body can actually use, which is retinal. Retinol is the one true vitamin A .

Vitamin A is available in many animal and plant sources. Plant sources include carrots, tomatoes, and peppers while animal sources include oily fish and liver.

Despite its many health benefits, excessive intake of vitamin A is toxic. This means that supplement intake of this vitamin is heavily regulated.

Medicinal uses for vitamin A

Vitamin A is important in the transcription of a number of genes, and thus is essential for all cells in the body to function normally and perform their jobs optimally. The influence of vitamin A on genes is particularly important on the skin to transform immature skin cells to mature ones. Also, the retinoid does away with signs of premature aging by preventing the formation of wrinkles, laugh lines, and crow’s feet via the increased production of collagen.

Vitamin A is good for hair health as well.

Research found out that vitamin A deficiency in children can contribute to them having increased risks to infection like diarrhea and measles, and, if worse comes to worst, blindness.

Body systems supported by vitamin A

Vitamin A is good for the ocular system. Its main function is protecting the retina and facilitating night vision. When the retinal comes into contact with light, a chemical chain reaction follows, which is calculated in the brain as sight. A deficiency in vitamin A can ultimately result in night blindness.

Vitamin A is good for the immune system. It is essential in manufacturing cells for both the innate and adaptive immune system – these cells liquidate harmful bacterial pathogens and shield the body against infections that otherwise might have damaged healthy cells, resulting in the body being resistant to sickness and ailments.

Where to learn more


Vitamin A is available in many animal and plant sources.

Vitamin A is good for hair health.

Vitamin A is good for the ocular system.

Sources include:

