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Vasovagal syncope – causes, side effects and treatments at

Thursday, July 12, 2018 by

A vasovagal syncope (also called neurocardiogenic syncope) is a fainting spell that occurs when a person is exposed to certain triggers, which can be anywhere from the sight of blood to severe emotional distress. In an episode of vasovagal syncope, seeing the trigger can result in an increased heart rate and a sudden drop in blood pressure. This causes the brain to have a lower blood flow, which can result in a person losing consciousness.

For the most part, the condition is harmless and does not need treatment. However, the act itself can lead to injury. In certain cases, healthcare providers may recommend further tests to rule out more severe causes like heart disease.

Known risk factors and symptoms of vasovagal syncope

Aside from physical and emotional distress, other causes of vasovagal syncope could include:

  • Prolonged standing
  • Sudden changes in body position
  • Hot, crowded, and poorly elevated places
  • The sight of blood or having blood drawn
  • Intense shock, anger, pain, and anxiety
  • Straining (i.e., heavy lifting or difficult bowel movement)

Some studies identify a genetic connection between vasovagal syncope, as the condition runs in certain families.

Symptoms of a vasovagal syncope include:

  • Pale skin
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Tunnel vision
  • Nausea
  • Cold sweat
  • Feeling to hot
  • Yawning
  • Slow and weak pulse
  • Dilated pupils upon waking up

In certain cases, some episodes may involve some involuntary muscle movements. However, if these continue, this could be a seizure, which is different.

Body systems affected by vasovagal syncope

The condition primarily affects the brain, but it results in the whole body shutting down.

Food items or nutrients that may prevent or relieve vasovagal syncope

The condition occurs as a person experiences a trigger, thus there are no food items that can prevent its onset. However, regular use of ginkgo biloba could help maintain the balance of the circulatory system.

Treatment and management options for vasovagal syncope

To prevent vasovagal syncope, the following recommendations could be beneficial.

  • The use of elastic stockings
  • Foot exercises
  • Increased fluid intake
  • Tensing the leg muscles
  • Avoid standing for extended periods
  • Not going in crowded or hot places
  • Avoiding alcohol

In addition, there are certain activities that could reduce the symptoms of fainting, including:

  • Squatting
  • Standing with one leg on a chair
  • Bending forward from the waist
  • Leaning forward with hands on the knees when sitting
  • Slightly elevating the head of the bed
  • Flexing leg muscles and shifting weight during standing

Where to learn more


Vasovagal syncope occurs when a person is exposed to certain triggers.

In vasovagal syncope, a trigger can increase a person’s heart rate and cause a decrease in blood pressure, reducing the flow of blood to the brain – which can result in a person losing consciousness.

Vasovagal syncope is harmless and does not need treatment.

Vasovagal syncope is usually caused by physical and emotional distress.

Studies have shown that vasovagal syncope may be inherited.

Vasovagal syncope affects the brain, but it results in the whole body shutting down.

Vasovagal syncope could be aided by the regular use of ginkgo biloba to maintain the balance of the circulatory system.

Vasovagal syncope could be reduced by foot exercises, increased fluid intake, and avoiding alcohol.

Some activities to reduce the symptoms include squatting, bending forward from the waist, leaning forward with hands on the knees, and flexing leg muscles and shifting weight during standing

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