Thursday, July 12, 2018 by Michelle Simmons
Also referred to as “trich,” trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a one-celled protozoan organism called Trichomonas vaginalis. In women, the organism causes an infection in the vagina, urethra, or both; while in men, it only causes infection in the urethra. Once the infection occurs, it can be easily spread from one person to another through genital contact during sex.
The risk of infection can increase due to having multiple sexual partners; a history of other STIs; previous trichomoniasis infections; and unprotected sexual intercourse.
The signs of trichomoniasis typically occur within five to 28 days after infection. Trichomoniasis in women can cause the following:
Trichomoniasis in men can cause the following:
Trichomoniasis can result in complications, such as vaginitis or inflammation of the vagina, increased susceptibility to other STDs or STIs, and premature delivery, low birth weight of the baby, and transmission of infection to baby during birth in pregnant women.
The body systems harmed by trichomoniasis are the immune, urinary, and reproductive systems.
There is no information on what foods or nutrients prevent trichomoniasis.
Home remedies to treat trichomoniasis include the following:
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a one-celled protozoan organism called Trichomonas vaginalis.
Trichomoniasis in women causes discomfort during sex, itching burning and soreness of the vagina and vulva, painful urination, vaginal odor, and yellow-green or gray discharge from the vagina.
Trichomoniasis in men causes burning after urination or ejaculation, discharge from the penis, and itching or irritation inside the penis.
Trichomoniasis can be treated with myrrh, garlic, goldenseal, and tea tree oil.
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