Wednesday, July 04, 2018 by Ralph Flores
Tinea corporis is a fungal skin infection. In general, fungal infections that affect the skin, nails, and hair are sometimes called “tinea” or are more commonly known as ringworms – despite it being caused by a fungus and not a nematode.
Tinea corporis (also called tinea circinata) refers to ringworm of the skin, which forms a ring-like pattern on the skin. The disease is contagious, as it can be transmitted through direct contact with infected people or animals, as well as through contaminated objects, or even the soil.
There are different types of ringworm infections; these include:
Tinea corporis is not predisposed to a certain age, race, or sex. However, people who have a higher risk factor include:
Clinical symptoms of tinea corporis include the presence of red ring-shaped patches that have a raised, scaly border. At times, the patches can lead to blisters, bumps, or scabs. People with weakened immune systems may feel symptoms of itching and burning. Typically, the most common locations of ringworms are the neck, arms, legs, and trunk.
The following complications are caused by tinea corporis infections.
Some food items that can be consumed to treat, or even prevent, tinea corporis infections include:
Here are some natural treatments to relieve and prevent tinea corporis infections.
Tinea corporis is a fungal skin infection.
Tinea corporis forms a ring-like pattern on the skin.
Tinea corporis is contagious, and it can be transmitted through direct contact with infected people or animals, as well as through contaminated objects, or even the soil.
Tinea corporis is not predisposed to a certain age, race, or sex.
Symptoms of tinea corporis include the presence of red ring-shaped patches that have a raised, scaly border.
Practicing good hygiene is important to stop the spread of tinea corporis in other areas of the body.
Sources include:
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