Friday, July 27, 2018 by Janine Acero
Essential thrombocythemia, or simply thrombocythemia is a disorder marked by the excess production of platelets, causing abnormal blood clotting or bleeding.
Thrombocythemia is more common in older people – most cases are diagnosed at around 60 years of age.
Most people with thrombocythemia don’t experience any signs; a blood clot may be the first symptom indicating this condition.
Blood clots can develop anywhere in your body, particularly in your hands, feet, or brain. The signs of thrombocythemia can vary depending on where the clot is located. These may include:
Some people experience severe pain, redness, and swelling, especially in the hands and feet.
In rare cases, thrombocythemia can cause bleeding. Signs of bleeding include:
Thrombocythemia is particularly dangerous for women who:
A blood clot in the placenta can lead to problems with fetal development or even miscarriage.
Blood clots may block the flow of blood to the heart, which makes a person with thrombocythemia at risk of a heart attack.
Blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin and aspirin are used to decrease platelet production for some individuals. However, prescription medications often come with adverse side effects that may aggravate the condition.
The active ingredient in aspirin is a plant-derived compound called “salicylate.” You can turn to natural cures, which includes consumption of foods with high salicylate content, as well as other natural blood-thinning nutrients.
Foods that are rich in vitamin E or omega-3 fatty acids also have blood thinning properties and may reduce the risk of blood clots. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include:
Foods with high vitamin E content include:
Drugs that decrease platelet production include hydroxyurea, anagrelide, and interferon-alpha. Aspirin may be given in small doses to help relieve mild symptoms such as redness and warmth of hands and feet, and headache, as it can make platelets less sticky and impair clotting. However, as mentioned above, over-the-counter drugs pose more threats to your health with their adverse side effects.
There are available natural remedies for treating blood clots, some of which include:
Excess production of platelets, which causes abnormal blood clotting or bleeding, leads to a disorder called thrombocythemia.
Blood clots can develop anywhere in your body, but it mostly occurs in your hands, feet, or brain. Blood clots can cause symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, numbness, throbbing, and/or prickling in your feet or hands, easy bruising, etc.
Blood-thinning medications are usually given to individuals with thrombocythemia, but natural remedies like anise oil, turmeric, Epsom salt, and foods with natural blood-thinning properties are recommended alternatives.
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