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Stannous Chloride sources, health risks

Saturday, October 28, 2017 by

Stannuous chloride is classified as a toxic chemical that is commonly used as a reducing agent and is traditionally added to electrolytic baths for tin-plating. Likewise, an article posted on the World of Chemicals website also reveals that the hazardous compound is used as a mordant and color-retention agent in dying textile. The glass and ceramic industry also uses the chemical as a raw material during the production process. Moreover, the chemical is utilized as an antioxidant and anti-caking agent in the food industry.

Harmful effects that can be caused by stannuous chloride

A safety data sheet from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has revealed that exposure to stannuous chloride through ingestion, inhalation and eye and skin contact may lead to a host of medical emergencies. The harmful chemical is known to affect the digestive tract and trigger a variety of related conditions including abdominal pain and cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The safety data sheet suggests that people exposed to the harmful compound drink plenty of water and immediately seek medical assistance following ingestion.

The article also notes that inhaling the hazardous chemical irritate the respiratory tract and cause coughing and sore throat. Likewise, exposure to the chemical may result in metal fume fever and pneumonitis. People who have been exposed to stannuous chloride are advised to go to an area with fresh air and rest. Likewise, The entry underscores the importance of installing local exhaust and wearing breathing protection equipment to prevent chemical inhalation.

Moreover, the harmful compound is known to affect eye health as well. According to the NIOSH entry, stannuous chloride exposure may severely irritate the eyes and cause pain and redness. The article suggests that victims wash their eyes with plenty of water for a few minutes and seek immediate medical assistance following eye exposure. The safety data sheet also encourages the use of eye protection equipment such as safety goggles, to be combined with a breathing protection equipment, in order to prevent direct eye contact.

Stannuous chloride exposure may negatively impact skin health and cause severe irritation. The safety data sheet suggests that people exposed to the toxic compound immediately remove contaminated clothing. Likewise, the safety guidelines recommend that affected patients seek immediate medical attention following the exposure. The data sheet also stresses on the importance of using protective clothing such as hand gloves in order to prevent skin exposure.

An article featured on the Toxicology Data Network website has also revealed that stannuous chloride exposure is detrimental to the circulatory system. The entry discusses that the harmful chemical is absorbed by the white blood cells, which in turn may induce DNA damage. Likewise, the hazardous chemical is known to compromise the immune system and cause damage to both the brain and liver.

Body systems harmed by stannuous chloride

Formic acid is particularly detrimental to both the digestive and respiratory tracts. Likewise, the toxic chemical is harmful to both the eyes and the skin. The hazardous compound is also found to negatively impact the immune system and blood circulation. Stannuous chloride is shown to damage both the brain and the liver as well.

Where to learn more


Stannuous chloride causes digestive and respiratory conditions.

Stannuous chloride triggers severe eye and skin irritations.

Stannuous chloride damages the DNA, brain and liver.

Stannuous chloride compromises blood circulation and immunity.

Stannuous chloride is particularly detrimental to both the digestive and respiratory tracts.

Stannuous chloride is harmful to the eyes, skin, brain and liver.

Stannuous chloride is highly toxic to both the circulatory and immune systems.


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