Tuesday, November 14, 2017 by Earl Garcia
Propargite is a type of pesticide that is first registered in the U.S. in 1969. According to a data sheet published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the pesticide is commonly used to help keep mites away from ornamental plants as well as field, fruit and vegetable crops.
The open chemistry database Pub Chem warns that propargite is potentially carcinogenic. Data from animal tests show that the compound may trigger the development of intestinal tumors. Likewise, the toxic pesticide is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer. The article also cautions that propargite exposure may lead to adverse medical conditions such as reproductive and developmental effects, neurotoxicity and acute toxicity.
An entry published on the Toxicology Data Network website notes that inhaling toxic fumes produced by the pesticide may also irritate the respiratory tract and cause acute respiratory distress syndrome and severe lung injury and damage. Likewise, propargite exposure may lead to asthma attacks, bronchospasm and wheezing. The article also stresses that exposure to the harmful chemical may lead to a plethora of digestive ailments such as severe irritation or burns of the esophagus or the gastrointestinal tract. The toxic pesticide is associated with decreased appetite and body weight loss in animal studies.
The article reveals that propargite use may compromise eye and skin health too. According to the entry, direct skin contact may cause various disorders such as acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, severe erythema and moderate edema. The article also cautions that the chemical may trigger severe eye irritation and serious eye damage. Aside from being a health risk, propargite is notoriously linked to negative effects on the environment. An entry featured on the Pesticide Action Network North America website warns that the hazardous pesticide may contaminate waterways and threaten aquatic ecosystems and animals.
Propargite is particularly harmful to both the digestive tract and the respiratory system. The toxic pesticide is also detrimental to the eyes and the skin. Likewise, propargite exposure raises the odds of reproductive woes and compromises nerve health.
Propargite is a commonly used pesticide that is applied to both crops and livestock. The toxic chemical is used on a variety of fruits such as peaches and nectarines, cranberries, apples, apricots and pears as well as figs, grapes and citrus fruits including lemons and oranges. Likewise, the hazardous pesticide is applied on staple crops such as corn, hops, beans and potatoes. Propargite is also used on other important crops such as mint, peanuts and almonds as well as cotton, plums and grapefruits.
Propargite exposure is detrimental to various parts of the body. A material safety data sheet published by Herbi Guide recommends wearing safety glasses in order to mitigate the risk of direct eye contact. Likewise, the safety guideline recommends wearing protective hand gloves clothing to prevent skin exposure. The data sheet also suggests using respiratory equipment to avoid inhalation.
Moreover, the data sheet suggests that people who inhaled toxic fumes be taken to an area with fresh air. It is recommended that victims wash the eyes and the skin with plenty of water should direct contact occur. People who ingest the chemical are urged to immediately rinse their mouth and induce vomiting. However, the guidelines discourage giving anything by mouth to unconscious victims. The safety guidelines suggest seeking medical help should symptoms persist.
Propargite causes intestinal tumors, gastric cancer, neurotoxicity and reproductive and developmental effects.
Propargite may trigger acute respiratory distress syndrome, severe lung injury and asthma attacks.
Propargite may raise the odds of gastrointestinal irritation, decreased appetite and body weight loss.
Propargite causes acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, severe erythema and moderate edema.
Propargite is particularly harmful to both the digestive tract and the respiratory system.
Propargite detrimental to the eyes, skin, nerves and the reproductive health.
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