Tuesday, June 12, 2018 by Carol Anderson
Plaque psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease, which causes the skin to dry, turn red, and become scaly and flaky. Often, it looks like red bumps which grow big and become inflamed when triggered.
This disease is said to be caused when the immune system produces skin cells too quickly. It normally appears on the elbows, knees, scalp and the lower back. At least 80–90 percent of people with psoriasis have it in this form.
Trying to remove the scales can cause bleeding, expose tender skin, and cause the plaques to grow. Since it is a chronic condition, health experts haven’t found a way yet to fully rid a person of plaque psoriasis.
Plaque psoriasis has two types:
Aside from plaque psoriasis presents as red and scaly skin, it can also be distinguished with these signs and symptoms:
Other risk factors for this disease include:
Plaque psoriasis may cause infection and these are the signs to look out for:
When a person with plaque psoriasis suffers from any of these signs, it’s best to immediately consult a doctor.
The following food or nutrients can help prevent plaque psoriasis and treat its side effects:
Plaque psoriasis patients should observe a diet that is healthy for the heart, anti-inflammatory, and gluten-free. It’s also important to note that being overweight increases the risk of developing or triggering this chronic disease.
Although plaque psoriasis may not be fully cured, there are many treatments available to relieve the symptoms and have the condition under control.
More often than not, health experts advise the use of topical creams which are less invasive but require a diligent application. If found ineffective, there are other severe treatments which may be recommended such as oral systematic medication, skin injections. natural therapy, and light therapy.
Plaque psoriasis is a disease that affects 80–90 percent of people who have psoriasis. This condition often affects the elbows, knees, and lower back but may appear on any other body part.
Some of its distinguishing factors are raised and easily palpable skin, irregular to oval in shape, well-defined, with sharply demarcated boundaries, very distinctive rich, full red color; lesions on the legs sometimes carry a blue or violaceous tint, and typically have a dry, thin, silvery-white or micaceous scale.
If in case there’s leakage of pus, swelling, and/or foul smell coming from the broken skin, this can mean that there’s an infection which requires immediate medical attention.
When diagnosed with plaque psoriasis, it’s important to eat foods which are good for the heart, anti-inflammatory, and gluten-free.
Managing the condition may be done by getting sun exposure, using topical creams, or undergoing more invasive treatments such as injectables and oral medications.
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