Saturday, June 30, 2018 by Carol Anderson
Pituitary adenomas are benign tumors of the pituitary glands which grows slowly over time. These tumors come from specialized cells produced by the master gland and while they are not cancerous, they can still affect pituitary functions.
Most cases of pituitary adenomas have no association with family history and normally occurs spontaneously.
These tumors are categorized depending on the following:
Health experts are yet to determine more specific risk factors for pituitary adenomas. So far, the only known factor that contributes to the condition is genetics while factors such as the environment or lifestyle have no direct link to it.
Symptoms of pituitary adenomas depend on the type of tumor that developed as well as the specific area of the pituitary gland affected by it. The most common symptoms are:
The pituitary gland is considered by health experts as the master gland as it is responsible for hormone production and regulated other organs and functions of the body. Although pituitary adenomas are not cancerous, they can still lead to further complications such as hormonal imbalance.
There is also a tendency that a patient may lose his/her vision if the tumor presses on the optic nerves. Lastly, those who suffer from pituitary adenomas are also at risk of developing diabetes insipidus.
To keep the pituitary gland healthy and functioning well, it is advised by health experts to consume the following:
In conventional medicine, health experts may advise treatments like surgery, however, there is a known home remedy that helps in treating pituitary adenomas. The treatment is called horsetail compresses and this is how it is made:
Some also brew a horsetail tea or a concoction made from birch sap and bark and take one cup in the morning and one cup in the evening as an internal remedy. Hellebore powder is also known as a natural remedy for pituitary adenomas and is taken once every morning before breakfast.
Pituitary adenomas are benign tumors which develop in the pituitary glands. Most times, these tumors are non-cancerous, however, some cases still require the removal of said tumors.
The most common symptoms experienced by patients are a headache, vision loss, and seizures.
Pituitary adenomas can lead to further complications such as hormonal imbalance and vision problems. In some cases, patients also develop a condition called diabetes insipidus.
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