Friday, June 30, 2017 by Tim Wesley
Christopher Columbus called this the “fruit of the angels” and rightfully so because of its sweet taste, butter-like consistency, and musty undertones. Papayas are tropical fruits that are grown extensively on different tropical regions. They are packed with numerous health benefits and are considered by many as their favorites.
Papayas aren’t just tasty. They are also packed with tons of health benefits that will give you more reason to include these exotic fruits in your diet. Papayas reduce the risks of developing certain types of cancer, diabetes, and heart attacks. They can improve digestion and lower blood pressure.
Papayas contain zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that filters out harmful blue light rays. This compound is believed to help improve eye health and prevent the development of macular degeneration. These can also prevent the onslaught of asthma.
Papayas can offer protection against heart disease. Because they are an excellent source of vitamins C and A, they can prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Plaque build-up happens only when cholesterol is oxidized. When that happens, it sticks to the linings of the vessel walls. Since papayas are packed with fiber as well, they can help lower cholesterol levels. Folic acid converts homocysteine into amino acids to prevent damage to the blood vessels.
Furthermore, these delicious fruits have the potential to stop colon cancer by keeping colon cells healthy and free from DNA damage. A study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that consuming papayas and green tea can significantly reduce a man’s risk of prostate cancer.
One small papaya contains approximately three grams of fiber. Consuming more than that can help those with type-1 diabetes improve their condition since high-fiber diets help lower blood sugar levels. At the same time, papayas’ fiber content can help prevent constipation and promote a healthy digestive tract.
Eating papayas can also help treat spleen disorders, bronchitis, stomach ulcers, coughs, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, and insect bites.
When applied topically, papaya can promote faster wound healing in burns or skin infections. Papain, an enzyme found in papayas, is used to treat bedsores. You’ll also improve the texture of your hair when you consume enough papayas. The vitamin A helps keep hair strands moisturized.
Furthermore, papayas are the fruit of choice for people who are constipated. Papain stimulates proper digestion. Its high water and fiber content can properly regulate bowel movements.
More importantly, papayas have anti-inflammatory properties that keep cells healthy. By keeping cells free from radical damage, the body becomes less susceptible to infections and microorganisms that cause diseases like cancer and diabetes.
Whether you decide to eat it ripe or raw, papayas can still offer you tremendous health benefits. You can use raw papayas as an ingredient in broths. You can use ripe papayas in salads or as purees. We’ve got some ideas on how you should enjoy papayas.
Papayas treat constipation and promote healthy digestion.
Papayas can prevent colon cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Papayas can make your skin and hair look beautiful.
Papayas protect cells from DNA damage.
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