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Khella – sources, health benefits, nutrients, uses and constituents at

Friday, August 18, 2017 by

Khella is an aromatic shrub that is native to the Middle East and the Mediterranean region of North Africa. The plant is now widely cultivated in various parts of the world including the United States, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and others. According to the Healthy Benefits website, khella belongs to the same plant family as carrots. The herb comes in many names including Bishop’s weed and toothpick plant.

List of known nutrients

Khella is touted for its powerful components that help keep diseases at bay. According to an Herbpathy entry, khella contains:

  • Alpha Terpineol
  • Camphor
  • Coumarins
  • Essential Oils
  • Fixed Oils
  • Flavonoids
  • Furochromosomes
  • Khellin
  • Phytosterols
  • Pyrone
  • Sterols
  • Visnagin

Medicinal uses for khella

According to an article on the Health Guide Info website, khella is a widely used remedy to various respiratory conditions. The plant is known to possess both anti-spasmodic and broncho-dilating properties that help ease spasms of the smooth muscles in the bronchial airway. This makes khella a potent treatment for asthma, spastic cough, and emphysema.

Khella is also highly valued for its beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. Constituents found in khella are touted to inhibit plaque buildup in the arteries and raise good cholesterol levels in the blood. Aside from this, the plant is known to boost blood flow to the cardiac muscles. This, in turn, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Likewise, khella is notably effective in lowering the odds of chest pain, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and congestive heart failure. The herb is also shown to improve recovery following a heart attack.

In addition, the superfood is known to maintain a healthy digestive system. The herb is found to eliminate gallbladder stones and address gallbladder colic. On the other hand, khella is found to alleviate constrictions and spasms of the bladder and the urinary tract. Thus, the plant is shown to address urinary colic. Likewise, the superfood is touted to eliminate thick mucus-pus discharge and urinary stones.

Moreover, the plant’s khellin compound is touted to address vitiligo, especially when in combination with sun exposure. Likewise, the superfood is also found to relieve other skin conditions such as psoriasis, wounds, and minor burns as well as skin inflammation and poisonous bites. An entry on the Tip Disease website also notes that the herb is useful in alleviating hair loss.

Furthermore, khella is used in the treatment of other diseases, which include:

  • Diabetes
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Liver Disorders
  • Fluid Retention
  • Kidney Stones
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Premenstrual Syndrome

Body systems supported by khella

Khella is best known for its beneficial effects on the respiratory system. Likewise, the herb is notably effective in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular profile. The superfood is also shown to protect the gallbladder, liver, and the entire digestive system from health woes. In addition, khella promotes a healthy urinary system and prevents the onset of various conditions that affect the skin and hair. Moreover, the superfood helps boost women’s health by addressing various menstrual issues.

Ways to use khella

According to an article on the Veggies Info website, khella is a staple in Indian cooking and is a commonly used ingredient in salads, soups, and other dishes. On the other hand, the Chinese use the plant’s roots as medicine. The Chinese also make use of dried khella leaves as infused tea to detoxify the body. Khella also comes in many forms including tinctures, tablets, oils, and prescription creams.

Where to learn more


Khella prevents asthma, spastic cough, and emphysema.

Khella staves off atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

Khella keeps gallstones, kidney stones, and liver ailments at bay.

Khella addresses diabetes, menstrual issues, and skin and hair diseases.

Khella is beneficial to the lungs, the heart, and the skin.

Khella supports the immune, urinary, and digestive systems.

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