Saturday, April 28, 2018 by Rhonda Johansson
Infertility refers to the inability to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex. According to the latest medical statistics, this condition affects one in every six couples in the United States.
Infertility can equally be due to the woman, the man, or by both sexes due to a clinical problem.
Infertility in men can be due to low or absent sperm count.
Risk factors for women include uterine problems, age, stress, and blocked Fallopian tubes. Women with recurrent pregnancy losses (miscarriages) are also considered infertile. Women who are older than 35, have irregular periods and are having difficulties conceiving after six months of trying should visit her doctor.
Alcohol and drug use can contribute to infertility for both sexes.
Pregnancy is the result of four crucial steps:
Infertility may result from a problem with any of these steps.
Infertility causes emotional damage. Many couples fight and/or separate because of the stress not being able to conceive can bring.
Women, in particular, are more prone to depression after being diagnosed as infertile.
Infertility is usually a symptom of another medical condition. Thus, it is important for both the man and woman to have themselves checked by a doctor.
Infertility does not harm any bodily system, as it, itself, is a result of another problem. However, infertility signals problems with a person’s reproductive system.
Lifestyle changes can greatly improve your chance of becoming fertile. Of these habits, eating correctly is considered the easiest to do. A Harvard study concluded that women who switched to a “fertility diet” showed an 80 percent improvement in their ovulation disorder. The diet involves:
Women are also encouraged to supplement their diet by taking in more vitamins, specifically:
This applies to men, too, as nutritional deficiencies can lead to decreased sperm health and lower sperm count.
Treatment plans for infertility are developed based on:
Usually, the result of such dialogue is a plan focusing on lifestyle change. Nevertheless, a couple may decide on medical and surgical therapies. A reproductive endocrinologist may offer intrauterine inseminations (IUIs) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
There are also medicines that women can take to treat infertility. These typically stimulate glands to produce more reproductive hormones.
Infertility refers to the incapacity to fulfill pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sex.
The condition may be caused by physical medical conditions (such as reduced semen quality or ovulatory disorders) and lifestyle habits such as cigarette smoking and alcohol.
Changing one’s lifestyle – particularly what one eats – has been shown to improve infertility symptoms dramatically.
Couples may also opt to have medical interventions such as in vitro fertilization.
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