Tuesday, June 27, 2017 by Bridgette Wilcox
Horseradish is a root vegetable with a strong, pungent flavor, often used in various ways to season dishes. According to HorseRadish.org, it is harvested in spring and fall, and is grated and mixed with distilled vinegar to produce the prepared horseradish typically seen in markets and grocery stores. About 24 million pounds of horseradish roots are harvested and ground every year, yielding six million gallons of prepared horseradish. Sixty percent of the world’s supply of horseradish comes from Illinois, where it has been grown since the late 1800s. Other preparations of horseradish include creamed horseradish, shredded horseradish, horseradish sauce, beet horseradish, and dehydrated horseradish,
According to Nutrition-and-You.com:
The strong odor and flavor of horseradish is indicative of its strength against fighting off certain diseases and infections.
In particular, horseradish is filled with antioxidants that allow it to boost the immune system and prevent cancer, OrganicFacts.net said. In particular, chemicals such as isothiocyanate and sinigrin stimulate the production of white blood cells, which is the body’s main defense. The two chemicals are also known to prevent healthy cells from mutating into cancerous cells.
At only six calories per serving, horseradish is useful for weight loss. It contains omega-3s and omega-6s, which improve the metabolism. In addition to that, the vegetable has a high fiber and protein content, which promotes satiety and prevents overeating.
As a good source of potassium, horseradish keeps blood pressure low and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.
The amount of calcium in horseradish makes it beneficial for the bones, and helps prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.
The vegetable is high in folates, which are good for pregnant women and allow them to prevent neural tube defects in their unborn infants.
Horseradish contains a compound called allyl isothiocynate, which protects the body from bacterial infections and microbes.
It is a known diuretic, stimulating urination and therefore promoting detoxification in the body.
The strong odor of horseradish makes it an efficient cold or allergy remedy. Inhaling pure horseradish can stimulate secretion and treat congestion from certain respiratory problems.
Horseradish may also be efficient against:
It is important to remember that horseradish has a high sodium content, and its diuretic properties may be problematic for those with kidney problems. It has also been found to exacerbate hypothyroidism, so it must be taken with caution.
Here are the body systems that benefit from avocado, according to StyleCraze.com:
The strong, pungent flavor of horseradish may make it challenging to incorporate the vegetable into one’s diet, but there are many recipes that include the ingredient seamlessly. BonAppetit.com suggests adding a dash of horseradish to salads, roasts, coleslaw, and sauces like pesto. It can also be included in sandwiches and soups.
Horseradish strengthens the immune system.
It prevents overeating and promotes weight loss.
It reduces risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke.
It can prevent osteoporosis.
It supports pregnant women by preventing neural tube defects in unborn infants.
Horseradish has antibacterial properties that can fight infections.
It is a diuretic, and can help with urinary infections.
Horseradish is an effective treatment for colds and allergies.
Sources include:
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