Thursday, February 22, 2018 by Ralph Flores
A polyp is defined as extraneous tissue growth inside the body. That said, colon polyps (which also go by colonic polyps, bowel polyps) are tissue growths that are found in the lining of your colon and rectum. While most colon polyps are benign, some polyps may develop into colon cancer, which is life-threatening once diagnosed in its later stages.
Having colon polyps are common, especially in older adults. In the U.S., the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases estimates that up to 40 percent of adults may have it, while one in four people develop colon polyps at some point in their lives in the U.K., according to the National Health Service.
Colon polyps are made up of three groups – hyperplastic polyps, adenomas, and polyposis syndromes.
While the etiology of colon polyps is not clear, experts have identified some risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the condition.
Colon polyps are asymptomatic. However, when they do cause symptoms, it will include any of the following.
While most colon polyps are benign, untreated polyps may lead to colon cancer in the future.
Colon polyps, as the name implies, affect the colon and the rectum.
Maintaining a proper diet is already winning half the war against colon polyps. Here are some recommendations to help stave off the condition.
Of course, limiting alcohol consumption, a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, quitting smoking, and an active lifestyle also plays a big part in maintaining a healthy body to defend against colon polyps.
The usual treatment for colon polyps is excision. A medical health profession will do this procedure during a colonoscopy or a flexible sigmoidoscopy. The removed polyps will then be tested to check for cancer.
When a person is has been diagnosed with colon polyps, he will be asked to get tested regularly to detect if there are more polyps that were formed.
Colon polyps are tissue growths that are found in the lining of your colon and rectum. While most colon polyps are benign, some polyps may develop into colon cancer, which is life-threatening once diagnosed in its later stages.
Colon polyps are made up of three groups – hyperplastic polyps, adenomas, and polyposis syndromes.
While the etiology of colon polyps is not clear, experts have identified some risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the condition.
Limiting alcohol consumption, a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, quitting smoking, and an active lifestyle also plays a big part in maintaining a healthy body to defend against colon polyps.
When a person is has been diagnosed with colon polyps, he will be asked to get tested regularly to detect if there are more polyps that were formed.
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