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Ciloxan – uses, health risks, and side effects at

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 by

Ciloxan (generic name: ciprofloxacin ophthalmic) is a drug used to treat eye infections that are caused by certain types of bacteria. It comes either as an ophthalmic ointment or solution.

Ciloxan, as well as its generic variants, are classified as quinolones, which are considered broad-spectrum antibiotics. These drugs, however, are known to have serious side effects; thus, they are not usually prescribed for common conditions like sinusitis, bronchitis, and mild urinary tract infection.

People who are allergic to ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, and other quinolones should not take Ciloxan.


Known health risks or side effects of Ciloxan

Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic, the active ingredient in Ciloxan, could lead to adverse side effects, which range from mild discomfort to those requiring immediate medical attention.

Common side effects include:

  • A burning feeling or other discomforts in the eye
  • Crusting in the corner of the eye after application
  • An unpleasant aftertaste following use
  • Feeling that something is in the eye
  • Itching and redness in the eyelids

In rare cases, the following symptoms may occur. If these become too severe, seek medical attention.

  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Blurred vision, as well as other changes in vision
  • Severe irritation of the eye
  • Nausea, including pain in the eye
  • Swollen eyelids, rash, and hives

Body systems that might be affected by Ciloxan

The body systems damaged by the side effects of Ciloxan include the ocular, nervous, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, and musculoskeletal systems. In addition, it can also affect a person’s psychiatric system: At least one case of acute psychosis has been reported after using Ciloxan.

Food items or nutrients that have similar effects to Ciloxan

The following food items carry similar effects to Ciloxan, as they help treat eye infections.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: These are excellent sources of vitamins C and E, which helps with improved eye function.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables: Spinach and other green leafy vegetables contain the antioxidant lutein which lowers the risk of eye infections.
  • Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits: Eating these unlock beta-carotene, an antioxidant that supports eye health.
  • Fatty fish: Salmon, tuna, herring, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which improve overall health, including that of the eyes.

Treatments, management options for the side effects of Ciloxan

If a person has an eye infection, the following treatments can be used to naturally treat the condition without the need for synthetic medication such as Ciloxan.

  • Tea. Applying used tea bags on the affected area can help relieve eye infections. Make sure, however, that the bags have cooled down enough before applying it on your eyes.
  • Honey. Boiling a mixture of water and honey, and applying it to the eyes after it has cooled down, unlocks honey’s antibiotic properties.
  • Flaxseed. To use flaxseed in relieving itchiness, add a spoonful to a cup of water to boiling water. Simmer for 15 minutes and drain excess water. Put the seeds in a piece of clean cloth and apply it to the eyes.
  • Rosewater. A few drops of rosewater is an excellent cleaning agent for the eyes.

Where to learn more


Ciloxan is used to treat eye infections that are caused by certain types of bacteria.

Ciloxan comes either as an ophthalmic ointment or solution.

Ciloxan can have serious side effects; thus, they are not usually prescribed for common conditions.

Ciloxan affects the ocular, nervous, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, and musculoskeletal systems.

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