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Breast cancer – causes, side effects and treatments at

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 by

Breast cancer is a disease wherein the cells in the breast grow out of control. It can develop in different areas of the breast, but most forms of breast cancers start in the ducts or lobules. Moreover, breast cancer can scatter outside the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels. There are different types of breast cancer, but the most common ones are invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. Invasive ductal carcinoma occurs when the cancer cells grow outside the ducts into other parts of the breast tissue, while invasive lobular carcinoma develops when cancer cells start from the lobules and spread to the breast tissues nearby. Breast cancer can also occur in men, but it only accounts for less than one percent of all breast cancer cases. The risk factors of breast cancer include age, genes, obesity, the use hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills, alcohol consumption, not having children or having your first child after age 35, and having dense breasts.

Known side effects of breast cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, the most commonly known sign of breast cancer is a lump or mass in the breast. Still, other possible symptoms include a swelling of all or part of a breast, even if there is no distinct lump felt; irritation in the skin or dimpling; pain in the breast or nipple; nipple retraction; redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin; and nipple discharge.

Body systems harmed by breast cancer

The body systems harmed by breast cancer include the lymphatic, reproductive, and immune systems.

List of foods or nutrients that prevent breast cancer

According to an entry published on the website, the foods that may help prevent the development or stop the progression of breast cancer include:

  • Apples
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Citrus fruit
  • Dark, green, leafy vegetables
  • Eggplant
  • Foods rich in vitamin d
  • Kale
  • Legumes
  • Low-fat milk and dairy products
  • Onions
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Peppers
  • Soybean-based products
  • Spices with anti-inflammatory properties
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Whole grains

Treatments, management plans for breast cancer

Treatment plans for breast cancer vary depending on the biology and behavior of the breast cancer cells. One of the treatment options for breast cancer is surgery. There are different types of surgery — lumpectomy and mastectomy. The former only involves the removal of the tumor and a small cancer-free tissue around the tumor, while the latter is the surgical removal of the entire breast. Another treatment option is radiation therapy wherein high-energy x-rays or other particles is used to destroy cancer cells. It may be given before or after a surgery. Chemotherapy is another treatment option in which drugs are used to destroy cancer cells by preventing their growth. Other treatments include hormonal therapy and targeted therapy.

Where to learn more


Breast cancer is a type of cancer in which the cells in the breast grow out of control.

Breast cancer causes a lump or mass in the breast; swelling of all or part of a breast; skin irritation or dimpling; pain in the breast or nipple; nipple retraction; redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin; and nipple discharge.

Breast cancer can be prevented by eating fruits and vegetables, foods rich in vitamin D, fiber-rich foods, and soybean-based products.

Breast cancer treatment plans include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy.

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